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7 reasons why you should start drinking a smoothie EVERYDAY

1. Smoothies are the best BREAKFAST

The word ‘breakfast’ is derived from literally ‘breaking’ a ‘fast’. A ‘fast’ is a period where you are not consuming any food or calories like overnight when you are sleeping.  

After a (hopefully) prolonged period of rest, our bodies’ energy stores are depleted, and we wake up ready to refuel for the upcoming day. A typical North American breakfast is very carbohydrate-heavy: think toasts, muffins, cereal, and bagels. Suppose the first thing we consume in the morning is a bagel. In that case, our body responds to that high sugar and carbohydrate content by rapidly increasing insulin levels to start bringing in all that energy (glucose) from the blood into storage and muscle. But what goes up must come down, right?!

Yup, bring on the midday crash and fatigue where you reach for your second cup of coffee. This is the rebound effect of consuming high carbohydrate and sugary breakfasts.

Let’s rewind what happens when we substitute toast and jam for a Revive Superfoods Smoothie to break our overnight fast?

Revive Superfood smoothies are a mix of protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, and fat, which our body takes longer to digest and convert into fuel. This leads to a more sustained energy burst throughout the morning and avoiding that midday crash. Think of it as being similar to fueling a car with premium gasoline that is much more energy-efficient and gives you a lot more mileage in the long run versus regular gasoline. 

Not a huge “breakfast” person? No worries! Smoothies are a quick and fun way to increase your nutrient uptake any time of day!

2. Smoothies keep you hydrated

Adding 2-3 cups of water (500-750ml) as your base liquid to your Revive Superfoods smoothies is a great way to start hydrating for the day ahead. On average, most adults, especially those who are active, are not drinking enough fluids regularly. When you drink a smoothie every day, you are adding to your fluid intake. Staying hydrated is beneficial for our skin, digestive system, and overall body function.

Add in some coconut water to the Mango & Papaya smoothie as your liquid base to enhance the coconut flavor and extra hydration!

3. Smoothies are packed with FRUITS & VEGETABLES

Let’s be honest – most of us are not achieving our target of 6-8 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. We may throw some vegetables in with our dinner, but ultimately, the average standard North American diet is very LOW in fruits and vegetables. Revive Superfoods smoothies are a great way of sneaking more vegetables into your diet. Try the Coffee & Cacao smoothie, which contains cauliflower, or the Blueberry & Cacao smoothie, which is packed with kale! #CruciferousSuperpower. No, but seriously, cruciferous vegetables like kale and broccoli are nutrient-dense vegetables that are high in micronutrients like calcium, magnesium, b-vitamins, and iron. Talk about superfoods!!

4. Smoothies are pumped with SUPERFOODS & ANTIOXIDANTS

Smoothies are a great way of boosting your immune, digestive, and skin health with superfoods and antioxidants. The Mango & Pineapple smoothie contains the superfood camu camu powder, which is high in vitamin C, contributing to strengthening the collagen in our skin, teeth enamel, and immune function.  

5. Smoothies are CONVENIENT

Revive Superfoods smoothies are mess-free and take less than 5-minutes to prepare! If you are in a rush to get to work or stressed about an upcoming workday, a Revive Superfoods smoothies cup is a nutrient-dense option at your fingertips peel, pour, blend and enjoy! One of the biggest obstacles that people say get in the way of reaching their health goals is TIME. Having ready-to-go smoothies on hand makes it easy to make better choices for your health. My biggest tip for making your life even easier  wash or rinse your blender immediately after use. Otherwise, you’ll waste time scrubbing away later in the day. 

6. Smoothies are ECONOMICAL

Purchasing take-out food is one of the easiest ways to tack on extra expenses throughout the month. Unfortunately, those muffins, bagels, sandwiches to-go start to add up. The approximate price of a restaurant or to-go breakfast is $7-25 Canadian (1), which may end up costing you hundreds of dollars every single month.

Revive Superfoods smoothies start at $7.99 (CAD), $6.99 (USD) per cup your bank account will thank you! 

7. Frozen produce in smoothies help reduce FOOD WASTE

Contrary to popular belief, fresh is not always best when it comes to your produce. Frozen fruits and vegetables contain just as many nutrients and have a much longer shelf life than fresh produce. You may have had good intentions of using that package of spinach in your fridge. Unfortunately, it went bad and wilted before you even had the chance to eat it! Food waste is most commonly in the form of fruits and vegetables and contributes to a significant environmental burden. 

With Revive Superfoods, every cup is pre-portioned, minimizing food waste. Plus, all our smoothies are vegan-friendly bonus!  


  1. Stats Canada – Detailed food spending, Canada, regions and provinces… 

Written by Sophie Pollon-MacLeod (@dr.sophiepm). Sophie is a Toronto-based Naturopathic Doctor who provides an individualized all-encompassing full-body approach to supporting her patients in weight loss, performance, and pain management

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Improving Sleep With Superfoods

For most people going to bed and actually falling asleep are two very different things. Are you sick of tossing and turning all night? Do you desperately want to get 8 hours of restful ZZZ’s? Believe it or not, your daily habits, as well as the foods you consume, can help you get a goodnight’s rest so you can conquer your day. 

Do you often find yourself unable to settle your mind before bed or regularly waking up during the night? Our busy lifestyles can cause stress, worry and make us restless. And more often than not, it’s our habits during the day that makes it harder at night to settle the mind and wind down. Interrupting tasks throughout the day to check social media, responding to emails after work hours, and fuelling our bodies with coffee to stay alert and productive during the day is causing us harm when it comes to rest our body needs.

1. Develop a Bedtime Routine

Developing a relaxing bedtime ritual without digital distractions can help prepare your mind for a more restful sleep. Bear with me while I suggest something a little bit crazy. NO ELECTRONICS 1 HOUR BEFORE BED – yes, I said it. That means no Netflix, texting, or social media. Instead, use this time to journal, meditate, or read. If reading isn’t your thing, dim the lights and listen to relaxing music or an audiobook.

2. Cut Back on Caffeine

Even the most relaxing bedtime routine isn’t working? Well, pouring cup after cup of coffee throughout the day and eating foods high in artificial sweeteners can cause your system to still be in overdrive. If that’s the case, cut back on caffeine (rule: no coffee after 12 pm) and try getting your energy from more sustainable food sources throughout the day.

3. Sleep Better Superfoods

You’ve probably heard of a lot of supplements to help you get to sleep, but what if I told you that you could find high doses of these minerals, hormones, and amino acids in the food you eat. For starters, magnesium is a mineral that helps your mind and body relax. It also helps regulate melatonin production, which is often called the “sleep hormone” – pretty self-explanatory. And lastly, tryptophan is an essential amino acid that converts to a chemical called serotonin – which calms us down and helps us sleep. Revive Superfoods wants to help! We recommend you add the following superfoods into your diet to help you catch those ZZZ’s:


  1. Almonds: Almonds are pretty chill. High in potassium and B vitamins, our muscles and nervous system want to relax. Add shaved almonds to your oats, eat them as a midday snack or try adding some nut butter into your smoothie!
  2. Walnuts: Walnuts before bed might be the next best sleeping pill. Walnuts have a surprisingly high level of melatonin – the “sleep hormone.” (1 Walnuts also have a higher level of antioxidants than any other common nut. Instead of having melatonin supplements to help you sleep, try eating a few walnuts before bed for even greater health benefits.
  3. Bananas: Do you eat bananas throughout the day as a quick, easy, and filling snack? Maybe consider eating them as a bedtime snack too! They are high in potassium and magnesium, which helps your body’s muscles to relax. They also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps your body produce serotonin – which helps with sleeping and digestion. Strawberry & Banana smoothie, anyone?
  4. Cherries: This stone fruit is a great way to recalibrate your sleep pattern! If you are feeling a bit off, adding cherries to your diet can help the body release melatonin, which is a healthy way to promote a good sleep cycle. Try pure cherry juice for that extra kick, or try our Dark Chocolate & Cherry smoothie for double the effects!
  5. Kale & Spinach: Don’t forget to eat your greens! These leafy greens are packed with minerals that most people are deficient in – especially magnesium.
  6. Chia Seeds: Sprinkle them onto a salad, soak them in oats or blend them into a smoothie – this seed can do it all. High in fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential minerals and antioxidants, chia seeds are small but mighty! Magnesium-dense chia seeds will relax the body and have you ready for a snooze. Are you tired yet? (2

If you have any personal questions or need more information, please consult your healthcare professional. 

Written By Sara Prodanos (@sara.prooo). Sara is a Personal Trainer and Physical & Health Educator that is passionate about building strength from the inside out and doing things that make you feel good! 


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Hello Chocolate Lovers!

Written By Sara Prodanos (@sara.prooo). Sara is a Personal Trainer and Physical & Health Educator that is passionate about building strength from the inside out and doing things that make you feel good! 

Are you one of those people who thinks that everything tastes better when it’s covered in chocolate? You are not alone! From fondue to chocolate-covered fruits to solid chocolate, it’s hard to deny the temptations to eat everything in sight. Chocolate is the dessert of love, and as it turns out, our heart loves it too! So if you feel bad about eating chocolate don’t! Here is why chocolate is an excellent addition to your diet and why you shouldn’t feel bad about eating it!

Is all chocolate healthy?

Firstly, let’s set the record straight not ALL chocolate is beneficial for your health. Unfortunately, sweet, creamy milk and white chocolate bars are full of sugar, fats, and dairy ingredients.  But don’t worry dark chocolate is where it’s at! Dark chocolate is loaded with nutrients that can positively affect your health. Made from the seed of the cacao tree; it is one of the best sources of antioxidants on the planet let me repeat ON THE PLANET! Dark chocolate contains anywhere from 50-90% cocoa solids, cocoa butter, and sugar; Milk chocolate contains only 10-50% of cocoa solids and butter, while the rest is milk and sugar, crazy, right?! So if you LOVE chocolate and want to eat more of it, make sure you are eating the darkest you can find (at least 70% cocoa)! 

Are you craving chocolate yet? So are we!

Benefits of dark chocolate

Let’s get a bit “sciency” for a second. Cocoa contains a type of plant nutrient called flavanols. Flavonols can be found in many foods and beverages like tea, red wine, blueberries, apples, pears, cherries, and peanuts, but they are particularly abundant in cacao beans (made to use chocolate). The more cocoa powder, the darker the chocolate the more health benefits! Chocolate-obsessed scientists have been studying the health benefits of dark chocolate for decades. They found that it may be beneficial to our heart health and help improve brain function, and may lead to healthier-looking skin! Overall, flavanols have been shown to help lower blood pressure, help improve blood flow to the brain and heart, help with insulin resistance, help prevent blood clots, and help fight cell damage (2). But how much is too much?

Everything in moderation

It is important to note that even dark chocolate is high in calories (150-170 calories/ounce), and adding it to your diet can contribute to weight gain if eaten in excess. We don’t recommend eating an entire dark chocolate bar every day, but if you’d like to add some dark chocolate shavings to your oats, yogurt, or a few squares to the side of a fruit platter go nuts! (1) And if you don’t know how much to add, Revive Superfoods has added a bit of chocolatey goodness into our recipes. We use a mix of cocoa, cacao nibs and vegan chocolate chips in our oats and smoothies for all of your chocolate cravings. Try any one of these smoothies for your daily dose of chocolate that you crave and need: Coffee & Cacao, Banana & Chocolate, Mint & Chocolate and Blueberry & Cacao.


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Most common nutrient deficiencies—and the superfoods that can help

alicja neumiler // Shutterstock

Nutrient deficiencies are relatively common. They occur when people don’t get enough of a certain vitamin or mineral through the foods they eat, and the consequences of some deficiencies can be more than feeling generally lackluster. Some deficiencies, like vitamin E, can lead to serious health problems, including nerve damage. Others may cause people to experience symptoms such as anxiety, weakness, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping, which are difficult to trace back to a specific source, but may well come from not getting enough of a certain nutrient.

While this all can sound like bad news, there are fortunately many ways to get enough vitamins and minerals. Some of the best sources of all the nutrients your body needs are superfoods, which offer delicious ways to make sure you’re taking care of your diet and your health.

To find the most common nutrient deficiencies, Revive Superfoods analyzed data from a 2017 paper published by the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. The institute used data collected during the Center for Disease Control’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Nutrient deficiencies were measured by Estimated Average Requirement (EAR), defined as “a nutrient intake value that is estimated to meet the requirement of half the healthy individuals in a particular life stage and gender group.”

#10. Vitamin A

– Percent less than EAR: 5.7%
– Average daily intake from food:
— Naturally occurring: 377 μg
— Naturally occurring and enriched/fortified: 604 μg

Vitamin A is a vital nutrient for good vision, a well-functioning immune system, and good skin health. While deficiency is rare in the developed world, pregnant people and those who breastfeed may be at higher risk for deficiency. A vitamin A deficiency can make a common cold more likely, skin act unruly, and impair vision over the long term. Symptoms include dry skin and eyes, along with throat and chest infections. To get the full recommended amount of vitamin A, load up on superfoods like carrots, pumpkins, and squash.

N K // Shutterstock

#9. Zinc

– Percent less than EAR: 6.5%
– Average daily intake from food:
— Naturally occurring: 9.8 mg
— Naturally occurring and enriched/fortified: 11.5 mg

Zinc is an important mineral that fights off infections and produces cells. Telltale signs of a zinc deficiency include hair loss, mental fogginess, and the reduced ability to taste and smell. How can you get more of this mineral in your diet? Consider loading up on foods high in zinc. These include meat and dairy—but vegetarians and vegans do have good options. Chickpeas are high in zinc, and are excellent on their own, or pureed into hummus. Try our Banana & Cacao smoothie for a zinc boost!

Anna Shepulova // Shutterstock

#8. Phosphorus

– Percent less than EAR: 16.8%
– Average daily intake from food:
— Naturally occurring: 1,257 mg
— Naturally occurring and enriched/fortified: 1,280 mg

Other than calcium, phosphorus is the most common mineral in the body. Without consuming adequate phosphorus, people may experience bone pain, loss of appetite, anxiety, fatigue, irregular breathing, and weight change. Children may have the healthy growth of their bones and teeth impacted. To get enough phosphorus, load up on a few key foods. These can include fish, nuts, grains, and dried fruit. One pleasant way to get your phosphorus in is to opt for oysters before your meal, as they are high in phosphorus.

RusAKphoto // Shutterstock

#7. Vitamin C

– Percent less than EAR: 19.2%
– Average daily intake from food:
— Naturally occurring: 66.2 mg
— Naturally occurring and enriched/fortified: 84.8 mg

Those who don’t consume enough fruits and vegetables are typically most at risk for a lack of vitamin C in their diets. Symptoms of a deficiency include fatigue, bruising, and general weakness. Symptoms may not appear until after several months of deficiency. Fortunately, it’s relatively easy to get enough vitamin C. Eat a rainbow of superfoods and vegetables full of the vitamin, such as oranges, peppers, broccoli, and strawberries.

lucio pepi // Shutterstock

#6. Magnesium

– Percent less than EAR: 35.5%
– Average daily intake from food:
— Naturally occurring: 229 mg
— Naturally occurring and enriched/fortified: 236 mg

Magnesium helps regulate the nervous system, from sleep to energy levels to mood. If you’re not getting enough, you may experience depression, dips in energy, and difficulty falling asleep. Fortunately, there are many ways to get a natural boost of magnesium through your diet. Eating lots of leafy greens is the best plant-based way to incorporate magnesium into your daily food plan. Leafy greens include spinach, kale, and lettuce.

Odua Images // Shutterstock

#5. Calcium

– Percent less than EAR: 47.2%
– Average daily intake from food:
— Naturally occurring: 963 mg
— Naturally occurring and enriched/fortified: 1,025 mg

Calcium is vital for bone health. When not enough calcium is consumed, bones may become brittle and weak. One of the best ways to counteract calcium deficiency is to make sure you’re eating enough food with high calcium content. Even vegans and vegetarians have options for increasing daily calcium intake, far beyond milk. Beans, lentils and edamame are calcium-rich foods, as well as seaweed and fruits like oranges and raspberries.

Tatjana Baibakova // Shutterstock

#4. Vitamin K

– Percent less than EAR: 62.4%
– Average daily intake from food:
— Naturally occurring: 55.8 μg
— Naturally occurring and enriched/fortified: 56.2 μg

Vitamin K is vital for its ability to form blood clots in the body. This means when people get a cut on their skin, the body has natural ways to prevent a small cut from gushing blood. When not enough vitamin K is present in the body, the ability to form these healthy clots is compromised, which can present a health risk. However, this risk can be managed by making sure enough vitamin K is present in the diet. Vegetables such as brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower are high in vitamin K.

Shulevskyy Volodymyr // Shutterstock

#3. Vitamin E

– Percent less than EAR: 81.4%
– Average daily intake from food:
— Naturally occurring: 5.7 mg
— Naturally occurring and enriched/fortified: 5.9 mg

Vitamin E deficiency can cause  serious health problems. These include nerve and muscle damage, loss of body movement control, and muscle weakness. Another symptom—particularly relevant in the era of the coronavirus—is a weakened immune system. However, there is plenty that people can do to make sure they’re getting enough vitamin E. Some of the superfoods that have particularly high vitamin E counts include avocados, chard, and spinach. If you’re on the go, consider packing sunflower seeds for a snack, which are also high in vitamin E.

thewet nonthachai // Shutterstock

#2. Vitamin D

– Percent less than EAR: 86.8%
– Average daily intake from food:
— Naturally occurring: 1.7 μg
— Naturally occurring and enriched/fortified: 6.1 μg

Vitamin D is important for bone health. In cases of severe deficiency, this can lead to brittle bones over time. The two main sources of vitamin D are the sun and foods, which means that those who live in less sunny climates can struggle with getting adequate vitamin D. There are fortunately many foods that can be incorporated into one’s diet for vitamin D. These include mushrooms for plant-based diets, and herring and sardines for the bold.

zi3000 // Shutterstock

#1. Potassium

– Percent less than EAR: 97.6%
– Average daily intake from food:
— Naturally occurring: 2,288 mg
— Naturally occurring and enriched/fortified: 2,301 mg

Potassium is a mineral and an electrolyte. It can deplete in the body when it is chronically dehydrated, whether from overconsumption of alcohol, or excessive sweating or vomiting. A deficiency can impact everything from nerve function to blood pressure. Consuming enough potassium—but not too much—is vital to managing levels. Potassium can be found in superfoods like bananas, leafy greens, and carrots.

hurricanehank // Shutterstock

Balanced diets contribute to healthy well-being overall, largely because they contain a variety of these essential nutrients. Remaining vigilant about what vitamins or minerals may be lacking in the body and knowing where to get them can prevent long-term consequences on someone’s well-being. Each nutrient contributes to overall health in a specific way, and finding what’s missing from a diet can lead to fun experimentation with new recipes and even trying new foods.

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Show Your Heart Some Love

Heart Beet Smoothie | Revive Superfoods

The month of February is all about love. We are surrounded by heart-shaped candies, chocolates, cards and cakes but why do we forget to actually show our own hearts some love too? Did you know that February is also American Heart Month? At Revive Superfoods, we want to help raise awareness about heart health and provide you with some tips to reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. 

Written By Sara Prodanos (@sara.prooo), a Personal Trainer and Physical & Health Educator who is passionate about building strength from the inside out and doing things that make you feel good! 

Here are 6 heart-healthy habits to follow so you can continue to love with your whole heart ❤️ 

1. Know the risk factors

Are you or a loved one between the ages of 40 and 75 years old? Does heart and stroke disease run in your family? Do you smoke, have high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure? If yes, make it a priority this month to incorporate some of the following tips into your daily routine and reduce your risk. Get your family members involved too! Spread awareness and love. 

2. Move that body!

Spoiler Alert! Your heart is a muscle and needs exercise too… Try to get at least 20 minutes of physical activity every day with a slightly sweaty glisten! Need some help? Check out our IGTV workout series! Too busy? Go for a walk during your lunch break, march on the spot during commercial breaks, or dance around in the kitchen while you make dinner. Anything and everything counts!

3. Don’t stress

Stress is a silent but powerful force against a healthy heart. Schedule some time for yourself to do the things that relax you. Take a bubble bath, read a book, meditate, or incorporate yoga into your routine. A peaceful mind is a peaceful and healthy heart. Need some help meditating? 

4. Catch those Z’s

Sleep is so important for heart health and we rarely get enough of it! Studies have shown that lack of sleep may be linked to high blood pressure and heart disease. Did you know that poor sleep can also lead to unhealthy habits? When we are tired, we tend to be more stressed, less motivated to be active, and make unhealthy food choices. Aim to get an average of 8 hours of sleep per night! Need some extra help sleeping? Relax Melodies offers the perfect guided meditation and relaxation to help you sleep better!  

5. Quit Smoking

Talk to your healthcare professional for strategies to help you eliminate your smoking habit. Smoking increases your heart rate, tightens your arteries, and can cause you to have an irregular heartbeat. It also raises your blood pressure, which increases your risk of stroke. This all makes your heart work harder but not in a good way! So quit it (pun intended)

6. Eat heart-healthy foods!

Your heart loves fruits and veggies, whole grains, legumes, nuts, plant-based proteins, lean animal proteins and fish. Limit saturated fat, avoid trans fats and choose healthy fats like olive and avocado oil. And when you are buying packaged food, read the food labels to limit your sodium and sugar intake as well. 

Try our Cherry & Acai smoothie a heart-healthy options here at Revive Superfoods!

Choose to give your own heart some love this month! Take care of it, so it can take care of others. This means being active, eating healthy, avoiding tobacco, and managing the conditions that put you at a greater risk.  

If you have any personal questions or need more information, please consult your healthcare professional. 



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Your Zodiac Sign as a Superfood Smoothie

Human beings have studied the mysteries of the universe for centuries. We have found meaning in stars, moons, and planets to create a path that guides us towards our light.

We’ve matched your zodiac sign with a superfood smoothie to help bring balance and clarity into your life. Let us know what you think by tagging us in your Instagram story with a screenshot of your zodiac smoothie!

Aries: Mango & Papaya

You’re bold, unapologetic, and you say it how it is. Some people are uncomfortable with how blunt you are – but it’s what makes you unique.

Your match made in heaven is Mango & Papaya smoothie.  A mango smoothie that tastes like royalty and makes you feel rejuvenated inside and out.

Taurus: Coffee & Cacao

You may be stubborn, but it’s because you’re incredibly patient. Your patience inspires others to do the same. With a practical and grounded heart, you stand with resilience in the face of conflict.

Your perfect match is the Coffee & Cacao smoothie. You love the finer things in life, and hate being rushed. Sip on some of that sweet mocha smoothie to start your day smoothly.

Gemini: Banana & Cacao

You’re incredibly adaptable and your curiosity towards the world makes you love the on-the-go lifestyle. Your life is filled with adventure because you’d try anything once.

Your best match is the Banana & Cacao smoothie for a sweet start to your day. This chocolate superfood smoothie will gradually wake you up so you can enjoy your morning.

Cancer: Cherry & Acai

You think with your heart more than your head sometimes. You’re genuine, kind, and feel everything around the world so deeply. You lend your heart out often because you truly love helping people.

Your sweet match is the Cherry & Acai. This sweet and tart smoothie will bring you closer to your heart so you can stay centered all day.

Leo: Dragonfruit & Strawberry

You’re fiercely loyal to your loved ones and have one of the biggest hearts to share. You effortlessly remind people of their inner child and to always find time for play.

Your match is the Dragonfruit & Strawberry smoothie. You’re not afraid to show up with a little more spunk and love being the center of attention. This dragonfruit superfood smoothie will help you feel in control of your day.

Virgo: Green Apple & Moringa

You’re often misunderstood because you tend to be on the quieter side. Everyone knows how dedicated you are to the things you love. You inspire others to be more humble.

It’s no secret that your match is Green Apple & Moringa. Your dedication is inspiring, but it’s important to relax too. This low sugar green smoothie will help you stay focused to do what’s best for you.

Libra: Strawberry & Banana

You strive for balance in your life. You love being social and your cleverness never fails to make people laugh. You’re the king/queen of compromise, and always wants what’s best for others.

Your match is the Strawberry & Banana smoothie. Though you seek balance, it’s easy for you to get your head wrapped up in other things. This strawberry smoothie will keep you calm and collected.

Scorpio: Apple & Black Tea

You’re an incredibly hard worker that will never sacrifice independence and passion. It’s what makes you stand out. You never fail to impress others and light up the room with your energy.

Your perfect match is the Apple & Black Tea smoothie. In order to show up right, you need a little spice in your life. This chai smoothie will do just the thing to start your day with a spark.

Sagittarius: Blueberry & Cacao

You’re shameless, proud, and adventurous. Maybe even a little rebellious. Your optimism and excitement for life is contagious to anyone in your life.

Your fiery match is the Blueberry & Cacao smoothie. You’re always on-the-go and always down for an adventure. This chocolate blueberry smoothie will help you stay centered so you remember to stay true to yourself.

Aquarius: Apple & Matcha (Jamba x Revive Superfoods)

You’re calm and energetic at the same time. You radiate positive energy that inspires others to be themselves. You can easily find a way to connect with others.

Your match is the Apple & Matcha smoothie! This matcha smoothie will give you a pep in your step, while staying calm, cool and collected.

Capricorn: Pineapple & Coconut

You may seem easy-going, but your ambition and persistence is admirable to everyone around you. You’re dedication is unmatched, but it’s also important to relax once in a while.

Your best match is the Pineapple & Coconut smoothie. This coconut superfood smoothie will give you a smooth start to your morning. Don’t forget to be patient with yourself.

Pisces: Blueberry & Spirulina

As a water sign, you feel emotions deeply. Your love for the arts like music help you to connect with your inner self. You feel your emotions more often than you’d like to admit.

Your smoothie match is the Blueberry & Spirulina smoothie. Though your emotions may seem overwhelming and blu at times, this blue spirulina smoothie will help you stay grounded throughout your day.

Adding these superfood smoothies to your everyday life will help you feel that much more in control of your day. The ingredients from mother earth will keep you grounded, to facilitate a healthy flow to guide you throughout your day.